Friday, March 7, 2008


Yes, I'm a slacker. It's been a long time since I posted, and I apologize. Lots to talk about today, however.

I've been a knitting fool and I've got pictures. First, though, lets discuss how well the Ganomey hat went over, shall we??? He was really surprised that I actually knit him something. He said he liked the hat, he said he loved the color. All the while I was snickering. I don't think I mentioned the fact that I made the ganomey in hopes that he would be guilt ridden into wearing it and look ever so slightly ridiculous wearing it. Wear it he did. For about a week. For the last three days, he tucked the top tip into the hat so as not to look so "ganomey". Then, he said I knit it at too loose of a gauge and it just wasn't warm enough so he had to go back to his Target hats for a while. Ummm hmmm. Since then he hasn't asked me to knit him a single thing, although, he has hinted that he wanted socks ~ whatever. . .

Now, onto my current projects. Remember Auntie Kay got my house in some serious order? Well, she's back in town and I knit her a pair of socks and mittens out of Spunky Eclectic Beefy Sock in the Firecracker colorway. Super quick on a size 3 needle and oodles of fun!

Then I kinda got obsessed with neckwarmers. I made one for my friend Cherity (her birthday is today) and one for me. Cherity's is pink because pink is girly and Cherity is oh so girly. Made from Malabrigo worsted in Cactus Flower and double stranded. I also made one out of seagreen chunky Malabrigo for me. And, I made a Calorimetry out of the same pink and it's stupid. Just stupid. Wayyyy too big. . .

And now onto what I'm currently working on. I decided I wanted to make a poncho. I've never ever liked ponchos and I've never owned one, but for whatever reason, they work on me. The spectacular Kristen made a capelet out of Wrap Style and before seeing her completed project, I totally copied. She used Rowan Kid Classic and it came out amazing!!! I, on the other hand, am using Malabrigo (huge surprise there, right??). I am also striping mine. I'm not using traditional colors because, well, I need some funk in my life. I chose a stunning purple and yellow.

I asked Obra for his honest opinion on the colors last night. Believe me, this will be the last time I do THAT!!!

The very first words out of his mouth were, "Whose school colors are those?" side note, it turns out they are actually previously mentioned Kristen's school colors *sigh*

I shot him a look and he continued. "The colors themselves are beautiful, but they don't work together. They are dull and from afar will look brown. They are wimpy."

At this point I'm staring at him with a gaping mouth in shock. Wimpy??? I consider myself a pretty tough girl and to call my knitting wimpy is pretty bold. On the same token, I am a girl and wimpy is okay in regards to my knitting, right? So I say, "Alright. You don't like it. I don't need anymore opinions. I really dig the colors and Lord knows YOU won't be wearing it."

He continued on with his artsy fartsy color analysis (I must say, he really is a very talented artist so I should be taking his opinion a little more seriously) but at this point I was blocking him out. Until I heard one word. Walmart. Yes, ladies and gentlemen my own husband compared my hand knitting to WALMART. Sadly, I was so stunned I can't remember his exact phrasing, something along the lines of "One word, Walmart." much more witty and piercing I'm sure. I was frozen, literally. In the kitchen in front of the counter with my back to him, I honestly could not move.

Now, do any of you really think this man will ever get anything else knit out of love? Hrmph


Anonymous said...

I do suppose you could knit him something out of revenge....but I don't know how well that would work out...

k_purls2 said...

group hug.

Anonymous said...

You should knit him something fugly out of Walmart crap yarn

k_purls2 said...

I had to come back for another hug because my DH said something hurtful to me today. :-( I feel ya sister!